Low-Tech Resources

CandLE have developed a number of low-tech communication and literacy resources for AAC users. We are also able to make bespoke low-tech resources on demand as well as provide guidance on how to make your own.

Our low-tech resources are used to support the CandLE literacy programme alongside our high-tech literacy package ‘Literacy Resources For All’.

The CandLE Communication Book

The A5 CandLE communication book enables the user to get to most of the items they might need to communicate but it can also be personalised. The books are laser printed on waterproof and tear-proof paper and they come in a selection of covers.

The CandLE Spelling Board

The CandLE spelling board is water proof, has high visibility letters and a built in key guard. It is A5 and lightweight so it is perfect for travelling.

Alternative Pencil

A resource for students who may not have demonstrated any previous literacy skills. Alternative pencils offer the student, who has complex access needs, the opportunity to play with letters in an error-free way so that is the nearest we can approximate to scribbling. The alternative pencil is also an assessment tool to help us understand the students level of literacy and is used at the early emergent stage of the CandLE literacy programme. 

Letter Cards

Letter cards can be used as an assessment tool to determine a students letter recognition and spelling ability. They can also be used for a number of learning activities. 

E-Tran Frame

A lightweight and rigid transparent board used for eye gaze communication.